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Project Curator

​​A book and an exhibition of rare and intimate photographs of Mahatma Gandhi by his grandnephew and personal chronicler.

Kanu Gandhi (1917 -1986), Mahatma Gandhi’s grandnephew came to live with him in the Sevagram Ashram and became his lifelong follower. Gandhi allowed Kanu to photograph him on the condition that no flash would be used; that he would never be asked to pose; and that the Ashram would not fund his photography. Though some of Kanu Gandhi’s images were well known to us, he was never credited for them and his work had not been published or acknowledged for its historical and artistic importance. This book Nazar Photography Monographs 03 – Kanu’s Gandhi, edited by Sanjeev Saith, and the exhibition corrects this anomaly and gives a forgotten photographer his due credit.

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